Along with most countries outside of the United States, Ireland uses the metric system to measure the weather in degrees Celsius (C) instead of Fahrenheit (F). As a result, you’ll want to familiarise yourself with the typical temperatures you might encounter before travelling to Ireland.
Whether you’re trying to convert 15 Celsius to 60 Fahrenheit to see if you’ll need a light jacket for a chilly afternoon or 30 Celsius to 85 Fahrenheit to know it’s going to be a hot day, learning how to convert temperatures between these systems will help you understand what to expect.
In addition to temperatures, the Irish metric system also differs from the Imperial system of the United States when measuring weight in grams, kilograms, ounces, and pounds; distances in meters and kilometres; speed in kilometres per hour; and volume in litres and millilitres.
To convert temperatures in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, you can either double the temperature in Celsius and add 30 to get a close estimate or use the following formula to get an exact measurement:
Visitors to Ireland should note that “wind chill” is a significant factor that affects the temperature in cold climates like Ireland. In winter, temperatures are often presented with the wind chill factor. Thus, a weather report on a chilly January morning may report the temperature as -2 C (28 F); the wind chill factor will make the “real feel” temperature will be closer to -10 C (14 F).
If you’re not mathematically inclined, a great way to understand Ireland’s normal range of temperatures is to remember this short poem: “Zero is freezing; 10 is not. 20 is warm, and 30 is hot.”
Just as Americans generally understand that 32 F is the temperature at which water freezes, 50 F is the fair-weather for a fleece jacket, and everything over 85 F is considered hot weather, we Irish also share similar reference points for temperatures in Celsius.
Measurement | Celsius | Fahrenheit |
Boiling point | 100 C | 212 F |
Sweaty, hot weather aka God I tell you, I’m sweating like a bullock | Over 30 C | Over 85 F |
T-shirt and shorts weather aka Jazus you’re after getting scalded | 24 C | 75 F |
Average room temperature aka We could do with a bit of a breeze | 21 C | 70 F |
Long-sleeve shirt and pants weather aka She’s parful warm | 15 C | 60 F |
Fleece jacket weather aka You’ll be grand, put on a hat! | 10 C | 50 F |
Freezing aka I’m foundered | 0 C | 32 F |
Frigidly cold and potentially dangerous outdoors aka its baltic | – 29 C | – 20 F |